According to the latest statistical results published by Essential Science Indicators (ESI) in May 2022.The paper"Study on the Hg0removal characteristics and synergistic mechanism of iron-based modified biochar doped with multiple metals" published by associate professor Jia Li, a young teacher at our college, in Bioresource Technology was selected into the highly cited papers of ESI. Taiyuan University of Technology is the first signatory of this paper, and Professor Jin Yan is the only corresponding author. "Bioresource Technology" is a top journal in the field of energy and environment under Elsevier publishing press company (Top of the first zone of Chinese Academy of Sciences, with an average IF=7.95 in the recent three years).
China is facing increasing international pressure and challenges due to anthropogenic mercury emissions. The power industry is an important breakthrough to complete the task of mercury emission reduction. At this stage, power plants do not have special mercury emission control devices. According to the current actual situation in China and the application background that Shanxi's walnut output ranks second in the country, the “Encourage” team proposed the technical route of "detoxification with waste" by using walnut shell biomass as raw material to prepare economic and efficient mercury adsorbent. This method is not limited by coal type and combustion conditions, and has broad application prospects.There is no relevant research report at home and abroad, and the adsorption mechanism has not been established. In this paper, an iron-based composite adsorbent with biochar as the support was prepared by coprecipitation and the sol-gel method. Both single-iron-based modified biochar without doping with other metals and iron-based modified biochar doped with multiple metals (Ce, Cu, Co, Mn) were synthesised. The adsorption kinetics were analysed, and temperature-programmed desorption measurements were performed to reveal the inherent difference in mechanism between the oxidation and adsorption of Hg0by the modified biochar and to elucidate the key mechanism of Hg0removal. The results show that the removal of Hg0by the modified biochar mainly includes adsorption and oxidation processes. The adsorption process is divided into two stages, external and internal mass transfer, both of which occur via multilayer adsorption. HgO and Hg-OM are the main forms of Hg0present on the modified biochar surface. Doped metal oxides can play a synergistic role in enhancing the mercury removal performance of the modified biochar.
This paper has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1510135; U1810126; U1910214) and theShanxi Province Science and Technology Innovation Project of Colleges and Universities (No. 2020L0073).
The “Encourage” team led by Professor Jin Yan and Professor Fan Bao-guo is mainly engaged in the research on clean and efficient utilization of coal and heat and mass transfer enhancement. It has research platforms such as fluidized bed and pulverized coal burner gas-solid flow characteristics, flue gas desulfurization, denitrification, mercury removal performance evaluation, combustion and heat transfer numerical simulation. The team always takes the two major goals of talent training and serving the national economic construction as its own responsibility, constantly deepens the innovation concept, improves the innovation ability, and will make do contributions to the needs of the national energy revolution and the "Double First-Class" construction of Taiyuan University of Technology.
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Fig.1 Technical route